12 x 16 Peak Style Shed Front Entry w/Rampage Door/Ramp system
in Binghamton,
- Also serving Northern PA, Upstate New York, Elmira, Ithaca, Cortland, Norwich, Oneonta, Deposit, Hallstead, Montrose
Base Price:
Total Price:
13.99% APY 10-Year GreenSky Financing:
$126.32 per mo*
*120-month term. Credit check required. Ask about all details & terms. Other plans available.
10.99% APY 10-Year Ally Financing:
$112.22 per mo*
*Credit check required. $4,500 minimum. Ask about all details & terms. Other plans available.
**Sales tax not included. Ask about all program details and terms.
Available in Binghamton, NY: The Peak Style is one of our most popular sheds with architecture that matches a house and 89"h walls give you hanging storage or space for shelving. This shed features our new Rampage Door System - doubles as a door and ramp. The 12 x 16 Peak includes a 16" overhang above the Rampage door, pressure treated 4x4 runners and 2x4 floor joists (16" on center), 5/8" coated engineered floor sheeting, Smart Panel Siding with coated finish on the inside, 2x4 wall and rafter construction (16" on center), double studded corners and top wall plates, stainless steel hinges, aluminum drip edge and corner trim.
Click here to see all HD Peak Sheds in stock
Free Local Delivery
Stop in or call 607-771-1111
Located on Upper Front St – Next to Advance Auto
6'w x 7'h Rampage Door
24" x 36" window
3'w x 6'6"single door
Index #: PF2644
PC Clay siding, White trim, and Black shutters
Charcoal shingles
50 year warranty on Smart Panel Siding with coated interior finish
Lifetime warranty Architectural Shingles
6 year Top-to-Bottom warranty